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Be applicable to in a sentence

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Sentence count:63Posted:2021-11-12Updated:2021-11-12
Similar words: applicableinapplicableapplicable lawapplicablyapplicabilityinapplicabilityactive applicationduplicable
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31) However, most of these studies are based on the observation of literature works and the findings may not be applicable to sci-tech texts featuring accuracy and succinctness.
32) Article 2 The present Measures shall be applicable to the foreign loan projects subject to the management of the Ministry of Railway.
33) The main question is to know whether this circumstance could be applicable to human societies.
34) Spray type nozzle : Be applicable to the rubber production cooling.
35) Nevertheless, the researchers expect the results of the study to be applicable to cancer patients.
36) In each case, the CPU utilization reported by wlmstat and CPU resource control action taken by the kernel for that WPAR would be applicable to the effective virtual CPU on that partition.
37) The law of the location of the court which takes up the case shall be applicable to the indemnity for damage caused by civil aircraft over the high seas to third parties on the surface.
38) The provisions of this Chapter shall not be applicable to the towage service rendered to ships within the port area.
39) Be applicable to need equal pressure to lubricate adipose machine an electricity an equipments specially.
40) The generalized binary signal to be applicable to voltage-mode and current-mode circuits is introduced first.
41) As contrasted with the raceway control assumption, the new method can be applicable to any speed and is relative reasonable because it is based on mechanical analysis.
42) It is an universal theory, which can be applicable to describe the behaviour of both non-electrolyte and electrolyte solutions.
42) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
43) Conclusion The hybridoma cell line may be applicable to the diagnosis of HBsAg.
44) Be applicable to request the high clean level district of the inside operation part area.
45) Function : be applicable to the technics of hardening and tempering heating treatment of batch cast, forgeable piece and auto parts .
46) An extension of the reciprocity theorem in elasticity is made to be applicable to the static, self-gravitational elastic earth.
47) Such equality continues to be applicable to arrangements regarding legal separation or dissolution of the marriage.
48) Article 2. These Provisions shall be applicable to the compilation, administration, development and utilization of the chorography within the administrative area of the Province.
49) The information given in this article can be applicable to designing electronic jacquard loom.
50) Article 2 These Provisions shall be applicable to the registration and supervision and administration of the inspection and quarantine declaration agencies.
51) Therefore produce the efficiency higher, be applicable to the large quantity measures on - line to process.
52) The products can be applicable to chemical, water, gas and medium, etc.
53) Remark: The property of artificial weathering might not be applicable to non - exposed product.
54) Moreover, the approach can be extended to be applicable to other architectures sufficiently.
55) Limitations: Small number of subjects, animal model(, no randomization. Gastrotomy trauma during short peritoneoscopy may not be applicable to longer procedures.
56) Be applicable to the unit check, the quality checks etc.
57) The provisions in Article 50 of this Law on the functions and powers of the manager of a company with limited liability shall be applicable to the manager of a company limited by shares.
58) The MISPE method was demonstrated to be applicable to the analysis of diazepam metabolites and other benzodiazepine drugs, in addition to diazepam itself.
59) The substantive laws of India shall be applicable to this arbitration clause.
60) The composite pipe can be applicable to emergency repair works and anticorrosion engineering projects.
More similar words: applicableinapplicableapplicable lawapplicablyapplicabilityinapplicabilityactive applicationduplicablereplicableexplicableinexplicableapplicantapplicatorapplicativeapplicationapplicatoryapplicationspractical applicationinexplicablymisapplicationrun applicationapplication feeapplication areaapplication formjob applicationapplication fileloan applicationfield applicationapplication layerapplication window
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